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Unconditional love for our children

Any embarrassment was completely overwhelmed by love... Is this email not displaying correctly? View it in your browser. Parents of Prodigals Love Your Child Unconditionally Why We Don’t Love Unconditionally Many parents are terribly embarrassed by their prodigals. Sometimes after I talk about this subject in churches and conferences, parents come up to tell me I don’t understand. They explain in whispers that their child is a homosexual…or in prison… or living with another woman… or whatever. Then they follow this revelation with the self-evident disclosure, “And I am so embarrassed." Let me make this very clear: Just because your child is living in sin, you have no right to love him or her less. You don’t need to approve of your prodigal’s behavior, but you are commanded by God to love the person anyway. Unconditional love means we love our children for who they are, not what they have done. Think of the Prodigal Son’s father. That fine Jewish man, probably a leader in his community and his synagogue, had a son who was living with prostitutes and wasting money left and right. As if that weren't bad enough, then word came back that he had lost everything and was now feeding hogs! What could be more embarrassing? But that father didn't let anything – neither his embarrassment nor the whispers of his friends – cause him to love his son any less. The moment his son returned, he was eager to pour out his love. Any embarrassment was completely overwhelmed by love. The second reason we may fail to love our prodigals is bitterness. We become angry with them for acting so foolishly, our anger gradually turns to resentment, and resentment festers into bitterness. The writer to the Hebrews recognized the threat that bitterness poses to relationships: Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord: looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled… Hebrews 12:14-15 NKJV Parenting Prodigals by Phil Waldrep Dear Fellow Parents of Prodigals, In all of our emotions; pain, anger, bitterness even unforgiveness, I pray that God would continue to work on us as we submit to Him. Show us Your ways, Father. Challenge our “humanness” and grow us into the image of Your precious Son, Jesus Christ. Help us to love unconditionally as YOU have loved us. Show us how to release all anger and bitterness so that You can shine through us. Allow Your unconditional love to flow through us for we know that without You we are not able to love. Thank You for loving through me! Amen! Love and Praying, Linda and PoP (Parents of Prodigals)

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Sometimes things get worse

I have been diagnosed with stage 3 cancer. Who is going to be here for him? Who will help him when he comes home? Who will care about him and his well being in that horrible place. The cancer is bad but not as hard as the worry for him. I need him here so very bad. I'm not sure how he will deal with this, he just lost his dad to cancer last year. I must make arrangements for a guardian for his inheritance, change all my beneficiaries, see about a automatic draft for his canteen and so much more. I know no one else is going to keep money on his phone, order his packages, call and check on him. The thought of dying without him near is more than I can bear. The thoughts of him being all alone in that horrible place is a living nightmare. When the doctors are talking to me, I'm thinking of him. I will be unable to visit for at least five weeks, not to mention he's six hours one way from me. What do I do with his stuff? Will anyone be there to pick him up when he comes home? How can I make it less hard for him. I'm not giving up yet but I need to try to get things in order just in case. I wish screaming and tears helped but it doesn't. Never forget to count your blessings as you descend into despair. He's still alive and can communicate. So many thoughts, concerns and feelings. I could deal with this cancer if I only knew he would be taken care of. I start chemo and radiation July 25th, major surgery in September if I live through the chemo/radiation. Y'all helped me so very much when he was taken away and I ask for your help now. Please pray for him and me too.

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Don't give up on yourself

When your heart is breaking for someone who is broken, but your words can't reach them and your love can't save them, ask the angels to go where you cannot. To whisper into their heart what their ears can't hear: "We will not give up on you. Don't give up on yourself" 

                          ____Sandra Kring

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Don't give up on yourself

When your heart is breaking for someone who is broken, but your words can't reach them and your love can't save them, ask the angels to go where you cannot. To whisper into their heart what their ears can't hear: "We will not give up on you. Don't give up on yourself" 

                          ____Sandra Kring

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Son refuses to take test

I get an email from my son (Lansing KS) with him complaining about taking a test . I assumed that it was a prep test for his GED. I told him to TAKE THE TEST. That it was probably going to set him up for further progress or failure depending on how he handles it

After writing him 2 tuff love emails I have not heard from him. What do you think is going on? 

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Checking In

Things have been crazy busy. Michael has been home since May 19th. Still gas not found work which is frustrating him. He goes to IOP three evenings a week, and most days does 2 mtgs a day. Sometimes things are tense between us. Po says take it easy first 90 days and then slaps him with you have to go to Career Link classes. Needless to say he blew a gasket. He says I am doing everything right and it's not good enough. He is in the Vivitrol Program. Has had 2 shots. Has been clean 17 months. He and my mom were Baptized Sunday at our church, and Michael shared a little about his journey through State Prison etc...I will say I had expectations of how things were going to be, and it's not what I thought. Happy he is not behind bars, 4 hours away, but wish he would open up more like he did in his letters. Well I hope all you moms are hanging in there. I think of you often, things have just been crazy. Finally after 17 months we sold and settled my mother in laws house. We are back in our house surrounded by boxes and stuff I have no idea what to do with. In 2 months I have had to replace 4 appliances, and a radiator in my car. SMH.
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This is good news!

State, ACLU join forces in effort to reduce use of solitary confinement in Alaska prisons

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As you all know,my son Kyle came home on May 11th. It's funny how we expect for things to go a certain way.I guess we get so caught up in our own thoughts and ideas.LOL! Well Kyle has been working since his 4th day home. One of his friends that he used to hang out with,had started his own buisness. They do ceramic floors and just basically all kinds of home repair work.He works long hours and enjoys learning a new trade as well.He also had gotten his Drivers License reinstateded. Now he is driving his own car to work that he saved his money for himself to buy.He got somthing used of course. He truelly is enjoying his independance. He is not Home alot,as he works and has found a friend that he used to go with years ago. She is my favorite and I have always wanted them to get back together.She is truely the one that got away. Now we have had our arguments.I am so worried that somthing bad is gonna happen and on edge at times. He is constant in telling me that I have to trust him and that he is doing nothing wrong or illegal.He has two boys by different women. The oldest will be 14 soon.Since Kyle has been gone 10 yrs of his life, his oldest has anticipated these moments of the two of them together. His youngest will be 11 soon. Although his birthday is close to Fathers day ,his mother hasnt let him see his youngest at all. She is with another man and she has no intention of letting Kyle see his son.The boy wants to know his dad and she refuses to work out any schedule.Its horrable!! We dont have alot of money to get a lawyer,and its taking a long time to try to find out how to go about getting his visits established. Kyle has shared custody.
So this is our first month together. i must say that I feel is going well.I continue to pray daily for Gods to make a way through this first year as I have always heard is the hardest.

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My 14 year old son was essentially kidnapped from me by his father when his father didn't let him call for 3 days and then texted to say he had taken him to the mental hospital and waited until almost 24 hours after admitting him so I couldn't discharge him.Prior to that he had been fine at my house, but apparently Turtle Dove's (not his real name) symptoms got worse and dad and his girlfriend couldn't handle him.Then his symptoms got worse in the hospital and they said he needed residential treatment. Dad immediately agreed and dad escorted him to "treatment" in Utah. It seems more like prison to me and we don't know how long cause it's based on my sons behavior and how "they" think he conforms to the program.It's scary having your son locked up and I feel for everybody.The scary thing too is having him on medications and I'm concerned the underlying cause of his mental illness hasn't been diagnosed. There could be a biological factor, he had the sudden onset of schitzophrenia and autism after a normal childhood with good grades, sports and lots of friends.I am trying hard to have him seen by a neurologist and the right specialists, fighting every step of the way.It's not jail but he's locked up so I joined your group because the pain of having him locked up is agonizing! Best wishes to everyone
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Character Reference letter HELP

I have to write a character reference letter for my son's upcoming sentencing. I wrote a couple, but I just feel like it's too "wordy" and I don't know if I'm writing a good one. Does anyone have any tips/suggestions or even an example that they know was a good letter? The stress and anxiety doesn't help with my focus. Ugh!!! Please help!!
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My son

My son is about to spend his 20 th. Birthday in Arkansas Correctional Facility. It's hard. But I know all I can do is 1 day at a time...
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Parolee Housing

Hi Everyone,

I've been away for a while. My husband has suffered the tortures of the damned with shingles in his eye and face, plus after-effects and several other medical issues. Aging is not for sissies -- kinda like being the parent of an inmate!

Anyway, my son will be paroled at the end of July. Because of where his children live, he will need to find housing in northern San Diego County. I live in another state. 

My son has never used tobacco, alcohol, or drugs; he has never committed a violent crime.  He is craving some normality in starting a new life, and he would love to find someone who would rent a small apartment -- over the garage, perhaps.

Since many of us are in the same boat ("How did we get here?"), I'm not sure if anyone will have any suggestions. I think the only hope is finding someone who knows someone, but how? How does a newly released felon find decent housing, when a background check is going to raise a hundred red flags?

I won't go on. I'm just hoping against hope that someone here has an idea I haven't thought of.



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Promise Yourself

Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. To talk health, happiness and prosperity to every person you meet. To make all your friends feel like there is something in them. To look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. To think only of the best, to work only for the best and expect only the best. To be just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own. To forget the mistakes of the past and press on the greater achievements of the future. To wear a cheerful countenance at all times and give every living person you meet a smile. To give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. To bee too large for worry, too noble for anger, and too strong for fear, and too happy to permit the presence of trouble.

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No one prepares you

I am more than thrilled that Michaels release went smoothly. He said its an adjustment to sights sounds smells. He said in some instances he feels,like its,been forever and other times he feels like he was nevet gone. I am trying to give him space. I find myself getting frustrated at times. Lord keep your arms around my shoulders and your hand across my mouth. Its just little things that remind me of the old him. Right now sitting outside Parole office for his first check in with them. Then off to evaluation for Iop. Then off to get new ID. Saturday he went to a mtg. Got himself there and back on public transp. Sunday we went to church and that was good. He has taken out trash, liaded dishwasher, unloaded etc.. i had hoped he would have quit smoking. I hate it. So he is outside alot. I do not want to harp on him, but pray he gives it up. Its gross and expensive. I thought we would spend a little more time talking, but he keeps to himself listening to music. Just hoping he doesnt fall back into old habits. Moms,please keep sharing any advice on yours sons returning home and what might have helped. Thanks.
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So I wake up with pure anxiety today...what does this mean? Is my boy going to have a bad day today? Is it a sign of something???? Who knows!!!

A psychologist will be evaluating PJ soon to see if he REALLY understands his Miranda Rights...and verbalize his multiple mental illnesses...ADHD with severe compulsiveness, depression, anxiety. The good news is after seeing his DVD recorded statement, his attorney feels pretty good that it can be suppressed. That would be wonderful!

I want to tell his story to all but I am scared that somehow it will do him harm....

The 18th was 12 weeks he's been in jail. Adult jail...with juveniles. I'm so glad I raised a boy to accept all people of all mentalities and colors! This little podunk town of Freeport is so...not so much discriminating, but, WHITE!! I hate it here!!! They all hate my son! Not all, but, you know.

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