

 Nonprofit Organization

A Support Group for Parents with Incarcerated  Adult Children

Our acronym is M.I.S.S. but we do not exclude incarcerated daughters.

"Where there is no vision…the people perish."

Prisons have become de faco mental healtth facilities. The lack of social simulation is harmful regardless of the inmate’s mental status, and studies have shown that isolation can have psychological implications. The mentally disabled are extremely vulnerable to this type of punishment. It can actually exacerbate their already fragile mental condition; they should not be dehumanized because of their illness. They are human beings!  How did this country reverse back to the barbaric abuses and neglects that were once denounced? It was those neglectful practices, such as isolation, that partially lead to the outcry for de-institutionalization. We feel that solitary confinement constitutes “cruel and unusual punishment," which is prohibited in the eighth amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

In addition when the mentally ill are released from prison they do not have adequate housing. Thus, they wander the streets, break into abandoned buildings for shelter, are taken advantage of, and use illegal drugs to self-medicate. Finding housing is always difficult for ex-offenders, but the challenge is even more acute for the mentally ill. "For the severely mentally ill, there is virtually no facility designed for long-term inpatient care," says Sherri Sullivan, director of Bridgeview Manor, the only residential treatment center in Ohio that accepts the indigent mentally ill. If they exist, they exist as a group home, and most group homes don't offer treatment."

* 79% of surveyed participants were denied housing because of their conviction history.

* Inmates spend 22 to 24 hours alone in cells.

* The U.S. has more people in solitary confinement than any other country.

* The federal government is the single largest user of private for profit prisons.

If you have a loved-one incarcerated you are not alone. Feel free to join our group.

“Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” — Nelson Mandela



Behind Bars, Mentally Ill Inmates Are Often Punished for Their Symptoms

Click the following to read the article:  NPR

Minnesota Department of Corrections Commissioner Paul Schnell takes a tour with the media of Stillwater Correctional Facility in January of 2019.  Should people with mental illness be in prison?

A M.I.S.S. member was chosen to tell her story on the OWN network’s show ‘The Book of John.’

You can watch the full episode of Season 1, ( THE MID-NIGHT SERMON, 108) by clicking the following link and signing-up through your cable company to the OWN Network's mobile app. http://www.oprah.com/own-thebookofjohngray/The-Emotional-Reality-of-Having-a-Family-Member-in-Prison-Video

Click the following link to listen to the Portland, Oregon KBOO radio show featuring M.I.S.S. members :

M.I.S.S. Members' Radio Interview

Click following link to read article and comments from M.I.S.S. members: Here


Members born in January!


Author/M.I.S.S. Founder

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Author Joel L. Young, MD
Co-Author Christine Adamec
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America’s prison system is becoming more inhumane


Separation by Bars and Miles:  

Visitation in state prisons

Prison Policy Initiattive Org

"I want to thank, from the bottom of my heart, all the beautiful and courageous mothers of MISS for their unwavering support and loyalty toward their loved ones, as well as to the greater cause at hand. I also am very grateful for the extremely thoughtful and generous outpouring of positive energy in my direction. The letters have been well received. I am sending each of you all my very best."

With love, Cameron Douglas

(Son of actor Michael Douglas)



Help to Support Our Mission

Kara B posted a status
Hello everyone! Thanks for allowing me to join. I hope to find and give support here.
Jan 30
Kara B is now a member of Mothers of Incarcerated Sons Society, Inc.
Jan 27
Jacqueline Newett, Tracy McCaffrey, Susan Ochieng and 1 more joined Mothers of Incarcerated Sons Society, Inc.
Jan 17
Dawn Johnson is now a member of Mothers of Incarcerated Sons Society, Inc.
Jan 8
Sarah F Rullo and Ann joined Mothers of Incarcerated Sons Society, Inc.
Jan 6
Avis F Ambers posted a status
Hello I want to thank you Trisha for your new friend ship. I appreciate you. I have a son that isn’t home. And it hurts
Dec 28, 2024
Kathleen McDonald and Trisha are now friends
Dec 26, 2024
Avis F Ambers and Trisha are now friends
Dec 26, 2024
Trisha and Pamela Denise Jackson are now friends
Dec 26, 2024
Avis F Ambers posted a status
Thank you for accepting me as part of your group, I’m here for support and learning to help those who’s in incarceration
Dec 26, 2024
  • Avis F Ambers Hello Trish how are?? Do you have time to chat 
    Jan 2
Lazenith Cousin, Avis Furnita Ambers and Dawn Cowen joined Mothers of Incarcerated Sons Society, Inc.
Dec 24, 2024
Lynn Martinez and Pamela Denise Jackson are now friends
Dec 23, 2024