talking its toll

Good evening fellow Queens,

Today I received an email from our wonderful leader Rhonda and it couldnt have come at a better time.   I've been attempting to communicate with my son whom is serving 25 years suspend all but 5 for the past 3 weeks! I The institution he is in has been on lock down sine a guard was attacked so of course everyone is punished.  He hasnt been able to call out nor has he been able to send letters.  I thought they couldnt sanction when mail would go out but then again its their system and they do what they want.  Im raising his 3 boys(9,5 and 2) and of course I wouldnt be me if I wasnt overdoing this myself(2 jobs and school online).  I thought it would keep my ind off of this situation but it hasnt.  I just want to know is he being given/taking his meds? have they checked his levels because he has no thyroid and the meds were making him hallucinate more than usual? is he eating properly because the noodles has so much sodium that interferes with his levels and he can go into shock again especially if he's stopped taking meds.  All these are going plus a million other questions.  Of course no one answers when you call or youre transferred and no return call....Did I mention I work in the Mental Health capacity at a nearby facility.....Im losing it but today.  That email came thru and I just knew it was a sign from above saying Hold on! All i can say is Thank You Rhonda for being you! Sorry for the long post but as youre aware these situations are very overwhelming.  

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  • What is ombudsman? I know how you feel...just had a similar situation. My son emailed he was in the infirmary and "not to worry" on January 3 and did not hear any thing for days. Thankfully he us alright but they moved him and some if his stuff is missing. All I could do for over a week was pray and trust God he was ok.
  • Hi Tonja,

    Your story reminded me of what I went through some twenty-seven years ago, so I can relate to what you're going through now. Therefore, I just wanted to send you a brief word of encouragement to stay strong and know that God is Able!! You're not alone on this journey...we are all here for you. Also, member Mary is correct...inquire if the facility has an Ombudsman. 


  • Thank you Mary and I dont think so but it doesnt hurt to find out..thanks for the suggestion...
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