Need input

My son is 20 yo. Were in wv and he hasnt made ot to prison yet. He was sentenced. He has alot of issues. He struggles and has for sometime.  

 Its a very long story. Just a lil history here because if i could ever help anyone who has hone thru the hell he and our family has i would. 

He was molested by a family member. Someone we truested. He was about 4ish and this person was still living at home and was about 9ish. When we discovered this happened we got in couseling and reported it. 

My kido struggled he was a backwards shy kido. Eventually thru the years especially once hitting puberty depression, suicidal tendencies, 

Dx bi-polar, sever anxiety, flash backs. 

He was and asked for help. He was thinking of younger kids. 

I got him into a long term treatment program age 14 and he was there for year and half. We myself,  my spouse (step dad), grandma went to family couseling and educational meetings for support. He did make some progress. The person that had gotten to the point of no emotion finally showed emotion and smiled and i felt like my kid was there and had been gone for such a long time. 

He was arrested it been almost 2 yrs ago. He was falling into the deep dark place again. He asked me for help and we search high and low 

State after state for long term treatment. Just couseling by itself wasnt enough for him. I have good insurance. It doesnt cover long term and to make it to long term before i had to move him in with family just so he would qualify for medical card. Why!!!!!!

Well i found the 2nd facility in sc. He qualified for treatment insurance wouldnt pay long term and being 18yo medical cards change for mental health coverage. 

He was arrested for soliciting a minor. 

That was a hard pill to swallow. It was on the news over and over. 

Its easy to judge people unless your there. No one really knew what kind of hell we had been in until then. Its not something you just talk to others about. I called into work 3 days that week. I couldnt face my peers. They texted and were supportive. I only wish my son was able to get help when he asked for it. 

He has been thru so much. I try to believe there is something good at the end of all this but i dont know....

So here we are still in the western regional jail in wv 

Waiting to prison. He has gotten no therapy. Nothing. 

He was sexually assalted in the beginning. It took over 2 weeks to get his meds restarted when he was arrested. He was so sick.

They still dont give the meds properly. 

He is on a mood stabalizer and just 2 weeks ago they decreased it by 1/2. He said he can tell and he needs it. The co's really ride him hard because of his charge. 

Today during my visit he was still in a cell that had feces splattered all over the walls and he has asked clean it. The co's had him placed on suicide percautions because he broke a sprinkler after asking multiple times for medical due to chest pain. So they punished him. I dont agree with him busting the aprinkler. But if someone needs medical attention they should be able to get it. He hasnt been out of that cell in over 48 hrs. I called thursday myself and asked for the cell to be cleaned. 

There is an inmate also taking food off trays so he isnt getting all of his tray. The co's once again turn a blind eye. So while i visited today i talked to who was in charge and again i let them know what i had already talked with someone else about. 

I wrote down names dates so i have a journal of what has happened.

Ty for listening 

We need some direction mary

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  • It's a darn shame.. call the news or even Mayor! Make noise! Sending hugs! It doesn't matter the charges he is still a kid.. he needs to get all the help he needs.
  • Thanks you for the support. I do appreciate this so much. I have made more phone calls today. 

  • Mary, my heart aches for you. I can only pray for you and your son. Keep trying to reach out to supervisor or whoever may be able to help your son. Don't give up. I will pray for your son's safety.
  • Update i made several calls today.
    I hope they have some positive impact.
    Good day everyone
  • Mary Flores i havent called our senators but i have called the jail. 

    I will keep going tho. I feel as if i meed to advocate for the others that have been done luke this as well. Something has to change with the syatem. I have a few more places to contact today. 

    My so. Was able to call me monday afternoon. He was removed from suicide watch and psychiatric Dr meet with him momday and told him there was a mix up on the meds and restarted the lamictal 

    But they do this often. To much keeps happening. So i will be the squeeky wheel. This has been such a wake up call of how our system is. I was promosed my son would get help. To me help was more than just jail it was couseling and helping him learn how to cope with what he has going on in his head. Thanks for asking and send prayers. I appreciate your input. 

  • Just a lil update my son hasnt called ne so i pretty much know he hasnt been out of his cell again. I called the jail spoke to the same corpral

    That i spoke to this afternoon and he still hasnt addressed any of the issues. Im so upset. Having no control and having people tell you whatever to get you to go away doesnt cut it!

    There has to be someone higher that the corpral and on up. 

    Im new to the blog and site. Reading some of your blogs are so on point with the feeling of hurt and all the emotions. I love my son. I will never stop loving him. Have a goodnight all

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