A part of me....

It is very difficult for parents, particularly mothers that have children incarcerated. Often times, I have mothers tell me that they feel as though a part of them is serving time as well. I know from my own experience, this is true. Especially, if the child is at a young age at the time of the incarceration. It is though someone has hit you right in the gut. Your child is taken away and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. Your child's life is no longer in your control, but, that of strangers and these strangers view the inmate as a number, not a human being. We as parents understand that our children have committed crimes and have to pay their due to society, so to speak. But, that does not take away the hurt, pain and embarrassment we feel. Some parents have severe bouts of guilt feelings, constantly blaming themselves for their children actions, without any warranted reason.
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  • 3322159050?profile=originalI can haz wun???  lol....  A heartbreaking story.  So glad I've found you.

  • Hi Dancing w Ghosts,

    Thank you, for your thoughtfulness!! The holidays are the most difficult times for me.  It is the time of the year, when we must put on happy faces, for the sake of the other family members. But, inside we are crying and wanting to scream out "WHY". I was also suicidal, at one point in my life, so I know exactly the range of emotions you are going through.  I thank God that you stumbled upon this site, and I am glad you're finding some sort of peace and comfort here!!  We all need each other to get through this journey.  So stay strong my friend and thanks for being a valuable member...   You and your son are in my prayers, as well....

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